
Assignment 20: Reading: Diffusions of Innovations


Within the framework of this project, the group attempts to address the following:

What are the elements of Roger's Diffusion of Innovations Theory?
What stages do adopters pass through from knowledge of an innovation to adoption?
What are some characteristics of adopters of innovations?
What are some attributes of innovations which impact rate of diffusion?
How does Diffusion of Innovations Theory apply to adoption of innovations within household systems?

I found this website very interesting because it really packed in alot of info regarding how innovation happens . As a creative person, I am very interested interested in innovation. When acrylic paint first arrived on the scene (at least to the mass market) it was very much plastic like and very pop art colors. Now acrylic paints mimic oil paint and there are even now hybrid paints.

I won't go into the whole depth of the website but just a few of the basics...

Components (Elements of the theory):

Definition of innovation
According to Roger, innovation is "an idea, practice or object this is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption. (Rogers, 1995)"

Description of how innov ations are communicated among individuals
Innovations can depend upon perception (i.e., the newness of it)

Communication occurs through interpersonal or mass media channels

  • Mass media is quickest while interpersonal is most effective

Description of the role of time in the diffusion process

Time is important to innovation

  • " in the innovation-decision process (stages) where the individual passes from "perception as new" to adoption.
  • in the categorization of individuals as innovators (early adopters vs. late adopters)
  • in the measure of rate of adoption of an innovation which is measured in terms of the number of members in a system which adopt an innovation in a certain time frame"

Definition of a social system

  • is " a set of interrelated units that are engaged in joint problem solving to accomplish a common goal(Rogers, 1995)"
  • act as boundaries for innovation
  • Attributes include: Norms, Change, Agents, Opinion Leaders, Innovation-Decisions, Consequences of Diffusion


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